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Parents Meet Sitters / Sitters Meet Parents

Find Your Local Sitter at "Sitter Search"

Create Your Own Profile Page

With the list of sitters, you will see their location, self-introduce and the apearing point at a glance!

Check the detail profile page if you find a interesting person. To contact her/him, click the Contact button on the profile page and send email.

Start seeking a babysitter job with creating your own sitter profile page. It is easy and the best way apearing yourself effectively.

In the profile page, you can put your availability calender, your neighborhood area map, too. Updating your profile frequently will make it ranked higher on the Sitter Search List.

Place Your Ad on "Job Posting BBS"

Check the Newest Hiring Ads!

To find the best match babysitter sooner, post your hiring advertisement on "Job Posting BBS". Your ad will be vaild for 7 days, you can delete/edit your ad at your convenience.

Check the newest hiring information from parents at "Job Posting BBS". You can aply for the job by sending a contact email with your profile page url attached.